Sunday, April 22, 2012

Aly 6 Month

Dear Aly,
Wow! We can' t believe its already been half a year of knowing and loving you. You are such a good sweet baby and everyone adores you. You started sleeping in your own room a couple of days ago and you seem to be doing well. Before then we were having some rough nights and Mommy was only getting a couple hours of sleep. You can almost roll over and sit up. You like to make certain noises and screeches all the time. You love to be held and seem to like most people. You went to the park for the first time yesterday and went down the slide. You also laid in the grass but you didn't seem to like that much. You are even more aware of everything around you. You pet the cats and are very gentle. You love to be stood up and can almost hold yourself up. We have started giving you tastes of baby food. Today you ate a baby rice cracker. It was messy but you loved it. Tomorrow is your 6 month check up. we will find out how much you have grown. You are staring to outgrow your 3 month clothes and its time for the 6 month. Mommy loves you so much and you will always be my baby girl.

Love always,