Dear Aly,
Today is your three month birthday. You don't seem to be feeling
well. You threw up all over your car seat and your kitty outfit. It was
the most we have ever seen you throw up at once. :( Otherswise you are a
very happy baby. You smile a lot and talk and babble to us. You started
daycare on monday the 16th. Your babysitter Libby seems to really like
you. You drink your bottles and take naps and you have had a couple
diaper blowouts there but you are doing well. Mommy misses you every
day. She gets you up at 5:30 to nurse before she takes you to daycare
and you always seem to be in a good mood in the mornings. You are now
finally in size 1 diapers and size 0-3 months clothes. Mommy gave most
of your newborn stuff to kid to kid. You still don't really play with
toys but you seem to like your rattle. We read books to you and take you
in the shower with us. Daddy usually is the one to give you a "service"
when your diaper is full and someitmes you poop on the towel after a
bath. Your eyes are getting darker and you are getting more brown hair.
Your head is still pretty small, we tried to put a headband on and it
just slipped down around your nose. You still sleep good at night, but
you tend to not want to nap at home. You hate being left in the room by
yourself, and sometimes you like your "fun time" chair but other times
you get overstimulated. You are such a sweet cute baby and everyone
adores you.
Love always,
Mommy and Daddy