Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

2012 is drawing to a close and I find myself reflecting on the events of 2012. This was not a good year for me. I lost some special people, and I feel like I lost some of myself. I feel like I will never be able to be the same parent I was before. I will wake up in the middle of the night when Aly cries and assume the worst. I will over analyze every move she makes, every twitch every expression. I will have a calendar littered with doctor's visits. I just wish I could be less anxious. Sometimes I think I'm getting better, some times its worse. I think I'm getting stronger, but I still find myself triggered by the smallest things.

I want 2013 to be a better year for so many reasons. I want to believe it will be, and we can make it better than the last. I won't make any resolutions for myself, but I think Aly has some.

Aly's 2013 Resolutions

-Learn to walk
-Say Mama
-Learn to drink from a sippy cup
-Cut some new teeth
-Grow big and stronger
-Push my walking toy all by myself
-Put the coins in my piggy bank toy by myself
-Feed myself
-Catch the kitty

-Get my eyes straightened out
-Stop taking my phenobarbital
-Stay out of the hospital
-Give hugs and kisses to everyone I love
-Meet all of my Mama's friends who cheered for me when I was sick

I think she's on the right track to accomplish them all. Here's to the new year!


Sunday, December 2, 2012


Sorry about the lack of updates. Aly is doing well. She still goes to therapy 2x a month and she has been working on her crawling and standing lately. She can stand unsupported for about 20-30 seconds. She can push her little alligator clacker toy with help, and she can sit down from standing without falling down.

Aly went to the ophthalmologist on Halloween to see Dr. Hoffman. Her neurologist referred us. Aly looks cross eyed occasionally, and one of her eyes has a tendency to turn in. This had gone away, but was starting to come back after she got out of the hospital.

She saw the eye doctor who dilated her eyes and took a closer look at them. He determined she has accomodative esotropia. From research I've done and wikipedia, this means that her eyes are not properly aligned and when she tries to focus on something the eye turns in. He said the optic nerve could have been weakened due to the pressure in her head, or she may have had the condition all along. Her vision is actually fine, its just the trouble she has focusing can cause double vision, which can then lead to a lazy eye, when the brain starts ignoring the weaker eye. He prescribed glasses to help her focus.
Aly in her new glasses

 We had a little trouble getting her frames. Very few places actually sell glasses small enough for babies. The doctor told us to go to Costco, but they didn't have anything her size. We also had trouble when we lost her prescription and had to wait for the ophthalmologist's office to send us another copy. We found a store over by her pediatrician's office that was perfect. They ordered us a very cute pair of Miraflex glasses in the smallest size they offered. The price wasn't too bad either. So far, Aly is still getting used to wearing them. She pulls them off occasionally, and she doesn't always like wearing them. She is getting better every day. Her eyes look straighter, but not completely. I've been told that could take some time, or her prescription could need to be adjusted. She will have a follow up with Dr. Hoffman in a couple months to see.

Aly has a big month for December. She will have a physical therapy follow up, and she will have her follow up EEG toward the end of the month. I really hope everything goes well, and I'm able to update with happy news.

I'm not gonna lie. Aly getting glasses was a little hard for me. Until then, she looked like every other kid out there. I didn't want something to make her look different and single her out further. But so far, the response has been very positive. Most people simply comment on how cute she looks. I'm hoping these glasses do the trick and that they don't bother her too much.  Maybe she won't need them after a year or two.


Ps. For those of you who don't watch the "IT Crowd," here is where the "boss-eyed" thing is from: