Dear Aly,
We made it to the 5 month mark. You are growing so fast, and while it is fun and exciting, its also bittersweet for Mommy. I love how little and sweet you are now and I don't want to lose my baby. I know that's a long way off, but time has already passed so quickly. You are becoming so much more aware of your surroundings and more curious all the time. You've started liking tummy time again, and you can hold yourself up really well, and you can scoot a little toward toys. You can almost roll over from back to tummy with a little help. You are obsessed with your own feet, and go around holding them whenever you can. You try to put everything in your mouth, especially blankets and fabric. We haven't started solids fully, but I have given you a taste of mashed potato and sweet potato. You have a little bit of baby allergies lately, so it looks like you will take after Mom in that way. You were sleeping great until about a month ago, and now you have decided you want to wake up about once a night to eat and play with us. Last night was especially bad, because you wouldn't go back to sleep for several hours. We love you very much, but wish you would go back to sleeping though the night. On a sad note, your Mommy's Grandma Lady passed away today. She was a really neat woman. She used to make your Mommy pretty dresses to wear for Easter and the first day of school. She also made clothes for Mommy's Molly doll, which I'm sure you will play with some day. We have a lot of happy memories of Grandma Lady and certain things will always make Mommy remember her. We will make sure you know all about her and what she was like. Mommy will hug and kiss you a little more today.
Happy 5 months my sweetheart.
Mommy (and Daddy)
We made it to the 5 month mark. You are growing so fast, and while it is fun and exciting, its also bittersweet for Mommy. I love how little and sweet you are now and I don't want to lose my baby. I know that's a long way off, but time has already passed so quickly. You are becoming so much more aware of your surroundings and more curious all the time. You've started liking tummy time again, and you can hold yourself up really well, and you can scoot a little toward toys. You can almost roll over from back to tummy with a little help. You are obsessed with your own feet, and go around holding them whenever you can. You try to put everything in your mouth, especially blankets and fabric. We haven't started solids fully, but I have given you a taste of mashed potato and sweet potato. You have a little bit of baby allergies lately, so it looks like you will take after Mom in that way. You were sleeping great until about a month ago, and now you have decided you want to wake up about once a night to eat and play with us. Last night was especially bad, because you wouldn't go back to sleep for several hours. We love you very much, but wish you would go back to sleeping though the night. On a sad note, your Mommy's Grandma Lady passed away today. She was a really neat woman. She used to make your Mommy pretty dresses to wear for Easter and the first day of school. She also made clothes for Mommy's Molly doll, which I'm sure you will play with some day. We have a lot of happy memories of Grandma Lady and certain things will always make Mommy remember her. We will make sure you know all about her and what she was like. Mommy will hug and kiss you a little more today.
Happy 5 months my sweetheart.
Mommy (and Daddy)