Wednesday, February 22, 2012

4 Months

Dear Aly,
Happy 4 Months! Where has the time gone? We can't believe how big you are getting and that you are now 1/3 of a year old. Next stop, college! You are still our happy little sweetheart with your big gummy smile and color changing eyes and hair. You drool a lot and we still have to keep bibs on you to catch dribbles and spit up. You like sitting up and dislike being laid down on your back for long periods of time. You like to watch us eat and think its funny when I make chewing faces at you. You still have a tiny head and can barely wear most of your headbands because your head is so small. You have lots of diaper blowouts at daycare but luckily your Daddy is good at getting stains out of your clothes. You've been going to Libby's for over a month and seem to really like going there. We really like Libby too. You've had diaper rash from hell for a while and nothing seems to clear it up all the way. You spent last Saturday with your Grandma and Grandpa Dickson and they loved having you all to themselves. On weekends sometimes we have trouble getting you to take a nap. On those days the only way you will nap is in the car seat while being pushed in the stroller or in the car. Sometimes you have cranky nights where nothing makes you happy, but luckily it is not too often. You have decided you no longer enjoy tummy time and you will cry if we put you on your tummy for too long. You like to be read to, and we read you Dr. Suess books a couple times a week. You still wear3 months clothes and size 1 diapers. You are getting a little long for some of the smaller sleepers but some of your 3 month pants will fall off around your waist. You are going to be tall and skinny just like your Mama was as a little girl. We can't wait to see what's in store for you in the coming months.
Love always,
Mom and Dad

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