October 21, 2012
Hi! It's your dad here. I can't believe you are already a whole year old! It seems like just yesterday that you were just a little speck of a person who couldn't even eat. Now you're our big, standing, and scooting baby babooshska!
I still remember when you were born, the first thing I did was count your fingers and toes while they were still picking you up. Five on each hand and foot, just like there should be! You had a hard time learning how to latch and eat at first and your mom and I were very worried. I finally got you to eat a bottle of formula. I guess it wasn't very good since after that you ate all your mama milk with no problems!
We love you so much and you have brought such joy to our whole family. You've always been very happy and sweet to everyone. Plus, you were a very healthy baby too! That is, until July. That's when you got very sick and had to go to the hospital. Your mom and I (and everyone else!) were so worried about you and even the doctors weren't sure you'd be ok. It was ok, though, because you are the strongest, bravest person I've ever met. You pulled through and came home in only ten days! I am so proud of you for getting through everything so well. That being said, if you ever scare your mom and I like that again, you are grounded for life! If you ever think your mom and I are being over-protective that is part of the reason. We just love you so much and we appreciate how lucky we are to still have you in our lives!
Recently, just in the last week or so, you have been a little grumpy. We think you are finally starting to get more than just your bottom two teeth. You still are a sweet girl, but you have been having little crying fits. It's been a bit hard to deal with you screaming all night long, but I know you'll get over it.
Anyway, I've been staying home with you for about a month now, and I can't tell you how special it's been. Every day you seem to learn something new, whether it's standing up or banging your toys together or, now, starting to crawl. You were a couple months behind on your development when you got out of the hospital, but with all your therapy (with Beth, Dani, and Eunice) and all the work we do, you are totally blossoming. It does my heart good to see your progress every day. You also need to know how amazing your mom has been through all this. It's been very hard for her to go to work everyday while I get to hang out with you. When you get old enough to read and understand this, please thank her for all the sacrifices she has made for you and me. You have an amazing mother and are very, very lucky.
Mostly, though, I want to thank you. You are truly the best thing that has ever happened not only to me, but our entire family. I've never seen grandparents (and great-grandparents) who love their grandchild as much as you. You have a magic about you and you just make people happy. You are destined for great things, Alexandra. You just need to work hard and believe in yourself! You are only turning one and you have already proven yourself to be brave, strong, kind, smart, inquisitive, and unbelievably adorable! You are here for a purpose and I can't wait to see what it is. Your journey has begun (and is a year into it already!) and I will be here to support you any way I can. I am always in your heart, child. I love you more than I can ever tell you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALY!