Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Miracle Child

Yesterday, I started writing an extremely negative post. I was feeling very sorry for myself. Very jealous of other people and their "easy" lives. Aly's doctor visit today brought me back to earth.

I am lucky. I am blessed. My baby is doing much better than expected. Things could be so, so much worse. Instead of wasting my energy being jealous of everyone else and feeling punished, how about I appreciate that my daughter is in the business of making doctors scratch their heads and eat their words.

We found out that another baby had a similar situation at the hospital, with similar symptoms. They were worried an infection was going around. It wasn't an infection. Sounds like the other baby had a much worse outcome than Aly.

This doesn't mean I'm not gonna feel angry, or jealous or like we have been treated unfairly by God. But this does mean that I'm going to try harder to keep things in perspective.

I still have my baby. She is my heart outside of my body. She is happy. She is thriving. She is proving them all wrong. She is amazing. She has such a capacity for love. She trusts so readily. She forgives. She smiles and I swear the entire room lights up. These are the things I need to remember when I am asking, "Why me?"

What a difference a day makes.

When Aly was in the hospital, all I wanted to do was hold my baby. When I am feeling especially low, that's all I need to do, and she reminds me what is really important. That I can still hold my baby. And that means everything.



  1. So what did they have to say today? I take it she is doing good?

    1. She does have brain damage in several places, they think she could have trouble with organization, coordination and reasoning. They also say that she will be suspectible to seizures her whole life. However, the brain swelling has gone down, she has not had any more seizures and they will be doing some follow-up in 6 weeks to see if they can take her off the phenobarbital. Our doctor was very impressed with how much she has regained and how well she was doing. They hope that her little brain will simply re-wire and make new pathways.

  2. Seeing her in the hospital and knowing how sick she was, hearing this makes me so hopeful! Go Aly!!!

  3. I'm so glad to hear she's doing things they didn't think she'd be able to do. How sad about that other baby...but I'm so, so glad Aly's doing okay!

  4. I love the picture you posted! I am so glad to hear that Aly is beating the odds and making a better recovery than expected. Please keep posting! I hope the good need keeps coming!
