Dear Aly,
Happy 2nd Birthday! What a year its been! You've done so much in the last 12 months. You got glasses, had an EEG, went off your seizure meds, had eye muscle surgery, learned to walk, went to the zoo and Lagoon for the first time, you graduated from Physical therapy and Occupational therapy, learned to kick and throw a ball, rode a merry-go-round and more.
In a year you have come so far. You have worked so hard at meeting milestones and you are doing so well at getting caught up. Your Dad and I have been encouraging and helping you along the way, but so much of your success has just been due to your strength and determination. You may be stubborn and independent, but in some cases its a good thing.
Now we have a new focus, getting you talking. You have shown yourself to be determined and tough. We are ready to tackle this and help you in all the ways we can. It will be hard, and it will be frustrating, but I know you can do it.
Happy birthday my sweet girl. You are such a joy to be around. You are a smiley happy girl and are so much fun to be around. You have so many favorites and you love so many things. You love to read books, and toys, and animals. You will eat anything and love food. You love to spin and dance. You love watching Sprout and your favorite shows are Wibbly Pig and The Chica Show. You love to color and draw. You love baths now, and splashing and kicking in the water. You love the outdoors, going for walks and digging in the dirt. You love waving at people and talking to the cats and exploring everything around you.
I love your sweetness and the little personality that you've developed. I love everything you are. Most of all, I love being your mom.I hope you have an amazing 2nd birthday. I can't wait to see what you do next.
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