"Hooray for little successes, they lead to big ones!"
I remember this was one of the best things someone said to me when Aly was in the hospital.
We celebrated every little accomplishment, when she was taken off every machine, when she moved from the PICU to the infant floor and so on. Aly's recovery has been measured in little successes. Every little thing she does, is something that is part of the process toward moving toward big successes. She walks, she draws, she kicks a ball, she can do her shape sorter, she hugs her puppy. She points at her Mom and Dad, she understands basic commands. Every little success is worth praise. She works hard for these accomplishments. I feel like most parents don't realize what it's like when nothing comes easy for your child.
I try not to compare my child to other kids, but it happens. It happens a lot. There's a lot of mental math going on. "Oh little Billy was 11 months when he started taking/walking/doing complex algebra etc." I hate to say it, but it hurts. It's like a little stab in the gut every time I hear about a baby half Aly's age doing something she can't do yet. I feel like I am forever going to feel the need to justify Aly's delays to the world. Like I am going to have to go around with "BRAIN DAMAGE" stamped on her forehead. I just want her to try and to feel good about what she can do, and not feel bad about what she can't do, or what she can't do well.
So no, Aly is not talking. She's not jumping, she's not doing gymnastics or singing songs or reading (thanks ABC Mouse for making people think its normal for a 2 year old to be reading). What she is doing is more important. She loves to color, she loves to go outside, she loves to eat, she loves to give mom and dad a bite of food, she pretends (that is something she is actually advanced on, so there's that) she likes to pet kitties, and likes to dance to Chica or Daniel Tiger.
Yesterday, I picked her up and she gave me a hug. That was like, post on Facebook milestone worthy in my eyes. It was amazing. Another little success.
She is on the way to normal, she may never get there, but she is on the way. She has graduated from Physical Therapy and is in the range of normal for the first time in a year. When we got the letter from her therapist summarizing her accomplishments, we were thrilled. I'm hoping we can slowly reduce her therapy and doctor's visits, until she is is like a regular, normal kid. Most parents don't want normal, they want better or advanced. I want normal, I want average, I want easy.
She is amazing for so many reasons shes has dealt with so many challenges that "normal" children dont deal with and shes so much stronger than "normal" children are cause of it she may be slow at somethings but much stronger at other things and she will continue to get stronger shes my little hero in so many ways. shes touched my life and she is a part of my life that i will always treasure shes such an amazing little angel and shes accomplished so much i'm so proud of her she may struggle but just looking at her melts anyones heart. Love you Aly I'm so proud of you and BIG HUGS to you and your family!