Friday, August 24, 2012

10 Months and Other Stuff

The Happy 10 Month-er

Aly turned 10 months on Wednesday. I write her a letter for every month about what is going on. Our lives have changed so much in the last month, I can't believe where we started, where we were then, and where we are now. Next month things will have changed even more. Some days I just hold Aly and laugh and kiss her and marvel that I have a ten month old baby. Some days (like today) I just hold her and cry a little. Then she laughs at me and I forget what I was crying about. Today she has decided measuring cups and spoons are her new favorite toys. She will play with the everyday things like cups and spoons much longer than any fancy baby toy.

Here is the ten month letter:

Dear Aly,

You are ten months old today! I can't believe how fast the time is passing. On your last month birthday you were still in the hospital. Now you are home and doing so well. You are doing PT or OT at least once a week and you have Early Intervention planned for at least once a month as well. You are making progress. You can scoot again like crazy and you can sit up by yourself for longer. They are making sure you don't neglect your left hand. You have some great doctors and therapists working to get you all better. You are finally starting to wear 9 month clothes. You are in size 3 diapers for the most part. You weighed about 15 lbs, 12 oz at your last dr. appointment, so you are gaining some weight back. You are eating lots of solids now, you still like everything. You have been baby sat by Grandma Roxann for a few weeks, and now Grandma Robyn is taking a turn. You are always in a good mood in the mornings. You wake up once a night to eat. Sometimes you won't take your two naps and then we have to deal with a grumpy gina before bed. You had your eyes and ears tested today and both were fine. You had a follow-up MRI a week ago and that went well. People are still sending you presents, thinking about you and cheering for you. You have brought nothing but joy and love to everyone. Mama and Dada love you so much little boosh. We are so happy to be your parents.

Love always,

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