Saturday, July 28, 2012

Home Again Jiggity Jig

Aly all buckled into her car seat ready to go!

Yesterday, July 27 2012 at approximately 6:00 PM, Alexandra was discharged from Primary's after an 11 night/10 day hospital visit. Her time included: 4 lumbar punctures, a picc line, 2 EEGs, 1 MRI, two ct scans, an intraosseous infusion on each leg, numerous blood draws, an iv in each arm, a breathing tube, a feeding tube, an arterial line and a blood platelet infusion. (if you are unclear on what any of that means, by all means Google. I know I did). Out of her stay, 6 nights were in the PICU. We had two different rooms in the PICU and three different rooms on the floor.

We saw at least 20 nurses and probably twice as many doctors including neurologists, infections disease, a rheumatologist, cardiologists, a kidney doctor and  several geneticists. Still, Aly had them all stumped. They still don't know the exact cause of her seizures. She will be on phenobarbital for at least 6 months. We will be following up with her neurologists for another MRI in a few weeks and she will require physical therapy. She is already making great progress, regaining her strength. She can roll to her tummy again, and stick her legs straight in the air. Her neck is getting stronger as well, but it is still wobbly. Sometimes she is like a 15 pound newborn. She isn't as grabby, which I attribute to her arms still being tender from all the ivs and the picc line. She tolerates her therapy exercises, but will become irritable quickly if something hurts or is too hard.

She did really well on her first night at home. She went to bed at a decent hour and slept almost 10 hours. Mommy and Daddy checked on her almost once an hour for awhile there. I was surprised to find her sleeping on her stomach. It is her preferred way to sleep but I didn't realize she was back to rolling so soon! We are nervous having her home without the safety net of doctors and nurses at arms's reach, and yet home is where she needs to be for this part of her recovery. She needs rest, love, comfort and for life to get back to normal. She still needs everyone to continue to cheer for her, as this part of the fight will probably be the longest. We've all been through so much, but Aly has shown how strong she can be. She will tackle all the upcoming obstacles without missing a beat.



  1. Yeah!!! I'm so happy to hear that you are all back home! I can only imagine what the past2 Weeks have been like for you and your family. Your daughter is a fighter and all of us who have been following your blog and Todd and Erin's Facebook posts have been able to see that first hand. Thank you for letting us in to your lives and sharing.

    Aly, you and Ben have been on my mind since I first heard about her going to the hospital. And like many others, I checked frequently for updates hoping that all would be ok. It's heart wrenching to see a child having to endure what she went through. It's hard not to get emotional, but today I cry tears of joy for you! I know they are still working on finding the cause, but sending her home is definitely a big step forward!

    I hope you will continue to blog about Aly's progress. She still has many cheerleaders rooting for her! She is a special little girl...what a sweet little angel! I wish you all the best! And know that you have another "family" that's here to lend their support if you should ever need it! Give that baby a hug for me!

    Melissa Davis

  2. LOVE IT! I can totally relate to the "every hour check".

    I hope that she only gets better, and that she gets her baby skills back at lighting speeds! You guys have made it through one tough trial and you came out together on the other side. Amazing. Love you guys! We will keep praying for her!!!

  3. Hang In There Aly~

    Hello, my sweetheart; You’re on my mind,
    Because you're somehow ailing,
    But your response to any challenge
    Has always been unfailing.

    So I’m confident you’ll win again;
    Hang in there, and you’ll see;
    You’ll be back on top in no time,
    Tackling life courageously.


  4. HOORAY! Best news I've heard all day!
